POST 9/11 GI BILL Marines who are looking to pay for their education through the POST 9/11 GI Bill will receive 100% tuition assistance after 36 months of active duty. Basic eligibility is established with 90 aggregate days of service, and those Marines participating will receive assistance for tuition, fees, books, and supplies. You may be eligible for a monthly housing stipend while on campus, and there's even an opportunity to transfer entitlements to a dependent. MONTGOMERY GI BILL Through the Montgomery GI Bill, Marines receive tax-free assistance toward a college degree. By contributing just $100 per month for one year, you can enroll full or part time. Funds are available after 24 months of active duty, and they can be used for studies at vocational and technical schools, or colleges and universities.

Virtual support available to Marines and families throughout ERR.

Contact Information

Higher Learning (Voluntary Ed. Program) - MCRD Parris Island & ERR

355 Chosin Reservoir Rd.
Bldg 923, Room 42
MCRD Parris Island, SC 29905

Phone: 8432282132

Education Officer: 8432282132

Education Specialists: 8432282152

Education Specialists: 8432283889

Education Technician: 8432282086


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Hours of Operation
Monday - Thurday  0730-1700
Friday 0730-1600
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