Capstone & Commander's Verification

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Following the Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS), the next step is to schedule your Capstone Interview.  Capstone occurs in two stages: Capstone Review and Commander’s Verification.  The Capstone Review must be completed NLT 120 days from EAS.  During this appointment you will sit down with one of the Transition Readiness Program staff members, review your Career Readiness Standards and Transition Plan.

Your DDFORM 2648 (EFORM) will also be updated and ready for the Commander’s Verification.  The Commander’s Verification takes place between you and the Commander or Commander’s Designee, that POC will be identified during the Capstone Review.  Upon completion of the Commander’s Verification, your DDFORM 2648 will be finalized, and you will have access to the printable form.

Contact Information and Resources
Virtual support available to Marines and families throughout ERR.

Career Resource Management Center - MCRD Parris Island & ERR

Hours of operation:

Monday-Friday 0730-1600
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