
Benefits of Having Your Child at a Child Development Center

Benefits of Having Your Child at a Child Development Center

The are many benefits of using a Child Development Center (CDC), including child development, socialization, routines, and reduced parental stress.  

  • CDCs are high-quality child care programs that provide early education fostering the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children while preparing them for school.  

  • Another added benefit of using a CDC is that it exposes children to peers, promoting essential social skills, teamwork, and the ability to navigate group settings.  

  • CDCs also provide a consistent daily routine, which helps children feel secure and develop a sense of stability.  

  • Most importantly, the CDC offers reliable child care and reduces stress for parents, allowing them to focus on work without worrying about their child's safety and well-being. 

Financial Support for Child Care 

Child care can be expensive and there are numerous financial supports available to help offset the cost of child care.  

Military Child Care in your Neighborhood (MCCYN) is a fee assistance program for eligible families who cannot access military operated child care due to distance or waitlists. With fee assistance, a portion of child care costs is paid to offset the cost of community-based care. 

Eligibility for MCCYN includes the following: 

  1. Marine Corps Active Duty 

  1. Marine Corps Reservists on active duty 

  1. Marine Corps Civilian  

  1. Stationed at an installation that has been pre-identified as fee assistance eligible, or 

  1. Do not live near a Department of Defense (DoD) installation with a Child/Youth program. 

  1. If married, the spouse must be employed, actively seeking employment, or a full-time (FT) student. 

  1. Children birth to 12 years of age. 

Child Care in Your Home (CCYN) is a DoD fee assistance pilot program that helps military families pay for a portion of the cost of FT child care (30-60 hours per week) provided in their homes. 

Eligibility for CCYN includes the following: 

  • Stationed in an eligible region, and 

  • Single/dual active duty or Reserve on active duty, or 

  • Active Duty/Reserve on active duty with a spouse that is 

  • Working FT/enrolled in FT in a postsecondary educational institution or 

  • Working part-time (PT) while enrolled PT in a postsecondary educational institution. 

  • Children 6 weeks-5 years of age (School age 6-12 years are eligible only when younger siblings are enrolled.) 

  • Pilot program has limited spaces available and is provided in limited regions

Child and Youth Programs (CYP) Employee Discount 

CYP employees receive a 50 percent discount on child care fees for their first child enrolled and a 20 percent discount on subsequent children.  

For more information on enrolling your child in a child development center or for MCCYN and CCYN information, visit 

If you are interested in working for CYP, please apply to positions by visiting

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