
Expedited Transfers After Sexual Assaults or Domestic Abuse

Expedited Transfers After Sexual Assaults or Domestic Abuse

Self-care is an important part of taking care of yourself in your daily life, but it is vital after experiencing a traumatic event. 

When you think of self-care you may think of eating a well-rounded diet, getting enough sleep, participating in activities that bring you joy, meditating, or even therapy.  

Expedited Transfers* may be one form of self-care for someone who has experienced sexual assault. An Expedited Transfer enables someone who is healing during the post-trauma recovery process to transfer to a new location where they may feel more comfortable. Being in a space where you feel more comfortable may help with healing and recovery. 

Requesting an Expedited Transfer 

A Marine or dependent aged 18 years or older who files an Unrestricted Report of adult sexual assault may request an Expedited Transfer. The Expedited Transfer may include a permanent change of station or permanent change of assignment. The intent is to assist in the person’s recovery by moving to a new location. 

To learn more about the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SAPR) Expedited Transfer process, contact a sexual assault response coordinator or SAPR victim advocate.  

Expedited Transfers are also available for Marines who file Unrestricted Reports of domestic abuse or have a dependent under the age of 18 who was sexually assaulted by a member of the Armed Forces not related to them. Contact the Family Advocacy Program for more information.   

For more information on Family Advocacy Program related services, visit:  

*Expedited Transfers are only used for instances when someone is feeling uncomfortable. There is a different process for addressing feeling unsafe; please speak with your Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Victims’ Legal Counsel, or Staff Judge Advocate. 

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