
Networking 101: Where Do You Go?

Networking 101: Where Do You Go?

You’ve heard it time and again: networking is the key to career success. Eighty percent of jobs are now found through networking. But where to start?  

  1. Consider everyone you know who might have a job lead. No really: everyone. Who and where are they?  Think about:
    • Fellow Marines and spouses you know who have already transitioned to civilian life Marines and spouses who are in your TRS class 
    • Other members of your place of worship 
    • Other parents from your child’s scout troop, sports team, or other activity 
    • Other members of social organizations to which you belong, like Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs), Toastmasters, and alumni associations
    • Other members of professional organizations to which you belong
    • Other people from places where you volunteer
    • Neighbors 
  2. Check out Marine For Life. Marine For Life offers a networking forum through its national and regional network group pages on LinkedIn (Northeast, Southeast, Central, and West).  Marines (whether they are transitioning or not), Marine Veterans, and Marine Spouses are welcome to join the group and ask for professional guidance from Marines, employers, recruiters, and other spouses. (Check out the article, How Marine For Life Helped Smooth One Marine’s Transition.) Check out Marine for Life on Facebook and LinkedIn as well!
  3. Join other groups though social media pertinent to your situation and desired job field, and become active in those groups. (Try LinkedIn, Facebook and Meetup groups.)
  4. Meet with Transition Readiness and Family Member Employment Assistance staff at your installation. They can link you to resources and help you develop a strong resume and LinkedIn profile, targeted to the field and types of jobs you would like to do. (Veterans, take note: LinkedIn offers a free one-year Job Seeker subscription to Veterans).

Check out 7 Tips for Effective Face-to-Face Networkings for more information.

Still searching for more in-depth assistance with networking?  Contact your installation’s Transition Readiness and Family Member Employment Assistance staff and ask the Marine For Life Network on LinkedIn.

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