
OSCAR Team Support to Total Fitness

OSCAR Team Support to Total Fitness

The Marine Corps has specially trained OSCAR (Operational Stress Control and Readiness) Teams that help service members stay healthy and strong. OSCAR Teams focus on four important areas: social, spiritual, mental, and physical fitness, making sure Marines are doing well in all of these areas. 

Who's on the OSCAR Team? 

The OSCAR Team is made up of specially trained Marines, mental health professionals, chaplains, and religious program specialists who work together to help Marines deal with stress challenges. Their goal is to help Marines build resilience, which means being able to bounce back from tough situations. 

How Do OSCAR Teams Help Social and Spiritual Fitness? 

OSCAR Teams can help coordinate social activities that bring Marines together, like team outings and community service projects. They believe that social support is crucial for maintaining wellness. OSCAR Teams also support spiritual fitness by providing resources to help Marines develop a sense of purpose, belonging, and moral clarity. 

How Do OSCAR Teams Help Mental Fitness? 

OSCAR Teams use a few different approaches to help Marines. They offer peer-to-peer support, which means Marines talk to other Marines about issues they are experiencing. They also facilitate small group discussions where Marines discuss stress management, helpful thinking, and relaxation techniques. 

OSCAR Teams help Marines understand that stress is a normal part of life. Talking about mental fitness helps Marines recognize that everyone has ups and downs. 

How Do OSCAR Teams Help Physical Fitness? 

OSCAR Teams also emphasize the importance of physical fitness and how it connects to mental, social, and spiritual fitness. Regular exercise can help improve mood and reduce stress. They encourage Marines to participate in unit-organized workouts to build camaraderie and a sense of community. 

The Goal of OSCAR Teams 

By focusing on all four fitness areas, OSCAR Teams empower Marines to handle the stresses of military life. OSCAR teams work to help all Marines have the tools they need to survive and thrive.  

If you want to learn more about OSCAR Team Training, email the Headquarters Marine Corps Combat and Operational Stress Control Capability at 

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