
The Super Star Student Program is Back for the 2022-2023 School Year

The Super Star Student Program is Back for the 2022-2023 School Year

Marine Corps Community Services and Marine Corps Exchange (MCX) is dedicated to helping the Marine Corps community and are pleased to reintroduce introduce the Super Star Student program. The Super Star Student program not only rewards students for good grades, but most importantly, stimulates their studies which improves their knowledge and learning abilities.

Who: Students and home-school students in grades k-12 who attain an overall B, S, or three average or better for a grading period are eligible to participate. California Common Core State Standards education standard common core rules: "Qualifying students that receive a two average or higher in the first trimester or second trimester; or average three or higher in the third trimester qualify as a Super Star student." All students must be authorized patrons of the MCX.

When: The Super Star Student program is for the school year of 2022-2023. The program will continue thru the summer for those students in summer school or who have a year-round schedule.

How: Participating students should visit their MCX within 30 days of receiving his/her report card. Once it is determined that the student meets the criteria, they will receive one scratch-off card with a guaranteed prize. Each student has the opportunity to win one MCX gift card valued at $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or $250!  Everyone is a WINNER!

What: Scratch-off cards are not transferable from person to person. All old scratch off cards should be destroyed; they cannot be used for the 2022-2023 program.

Eligible students receive only one scratch-off card per grading period. Only one MCX can be visited per grading period to receive a card.

Wishing all military students a successful 2022-2023 school year!

To learn more about the program, contact your local MCX or contact your installation’s School Liaison Program

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