
We All Benefit From Playing Together: Special Olympics Young Athletes Coming to Installations

We All Benefit From Playing Together: Special Olympics Young Athletes Coming to Installations

The Marine Corps Exceptional Family Member Program is excited to announce the implementation of the Special Olympics Young Athletes Program at four of our installations: Henderson Hall, Quantico, Cherry Point, and Miramar.

Young Athletes is a forward-looking sports play program for children of all abilities ages two–seven. It highlights the use of certain foundational skills such as: running, balancing, jumping, throwing, and kicking, and it also provides children with group interaction and social opportunities.

Young Athletes also provides other benefits for children. The program helps form a community of support and resources for parents and caregivers.  Children in the program learn to take turns, share, and follow directions — all critical skills in family, community, and school activities. After participating in Young Athletes, 91 percent of parents agreed or strongly agreed that participation in Young Athletes made them more hopeful about their child’s future.

To learn more about Young Athletes, contact one of the 4 EFMP offices participating. 

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