Why Read Aloud to your Child?
One of the most rewarding moments between a parent and a child is sharing a book. Reading aloud w...
Marathon Motivation: What Inspired These Marines to Run 26.2 Miles?
This weekend 23,197 runners charged the District, beat the bridge and took the Iwo to cross the f...
What Marine Corps Parents Need to Know About Federal Impact Aid
As the parent of a military child you may have heard the phrase “Federal Impact Aid” once or twic...
Marines Compete at CISM Military World Games
Top athletes from around the world gathered in South Korea this month to compete in the Conseil I...
10 Most Anticipated Redbox Releases for October
Looking for some great late night entertainment? Stop by your nearest MCCS Redbox location and ch...
7 Tips to Make Halloween Safer For Your Children
Fall celebrations like Halloween are joyous occasions for children. They’re also great opportuni...
Summer Reading Can Make or Break Your Child
Just because school’s out doesn’t mean your child should stop learning. Research shows that child...
5210: The Secret Code to a Healthy Lifestyle
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, which means it’s the perfect time to tak...
What No One Tells You About Off Base Child Care
Living on or near a military installation can be a great relief for Marine Corps Families in need...
Five Easy Ways to Save Energy at Home
This October, the Marine Corps and its families are celebrating Energy Action Month, a federal pr...
Watch the HITT Championship Highlight Video
The top 34 Active Duty Marines competed at the inaugural High Intensity Tactical Training (HITT) ...
Family Advocacy Program: The Relationship Resource You Haven't Heard Of
Honor. Courage. Commitment. These are the core values of the Marine Corps, and they are also the ...
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