
Do a Check-Up on Your Finances

Do a Check-Up on Your Finances

Financial wellness is a state of being in which you can meet current and future financial obligations. Enjoying life is easier when you have a solid financial plan in place. No matter where you are in your career, taking time to assess your financial well-being can provide insights into whether you’re on the right path or have some areas to improve.

Contact your local Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP) for pointers on:
• Reducing financial anxiety and improving mental and physical health.
• Focusing less on day-to-day money concerns.
• Creating a successful and sustainable retirement planning strategy.
• Building the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions and effective choices with your financial resources.

The Financial Well-Being Assessment can help you conduct a “checkup” on your financial health. The easy-to-use self-assessment, consisting of 12 simple questions, provides a score and targeted resources that enable service members to evaluate and improve their financial well-being now and in the future.

Marines who practice financial wellness tend to have a thoughtful and conscious plan that includes spending wisely, having emergency funds, and utilizing a budget.

Contact your local Personal Financial Management Program on your installation or your unit Command Financial Specialist (CFS) for more information.

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